When I asked for guest posts I asked for written prayers...and my dear friend Kristen wrote one that made me cry... I am thrilled to share it with you today as we get ready to close out this series. I hope and pray that it blesses you as much as it blessed me.
I prayed for you today.
Yes, you.
You. The one doing hard things. The one stepping out in faith. The one who perhaps left her job to follow hard after Him, or who said no when she wanted so desperately to say yes, or who signed on the dotted line out of obedience without knowing just where the provision will come from, or the one who is packing her bags for a new terrifying adventure.
I prayed first for love. For a Christ-like love to fill you up and spill over into the lives of those around you. For a love that extends grace to enemies, mercy instead of vengeance to the mean girls talking behind your back, and hope in the place of tired words. I prayed that wherever you are going right now - wherever the hard things are that you are headed toward or are in the midst of - I prayed that right there, in the messy place of those very things - your love would not fail. That it would keep going, it would be patient and kind. A non-record keeping kind of love, one that will delight in truth revealed. A love that will continue to trust on the hard days.
I prayed second for integrity. Not just any integrity. A sustained integrity. An integrity that can stand up and take on fire-breathing-dragon stuff. For an integrity infused with excellence - one that walks the straight path on cold, snowy days instead of taking the shortcut. An integrity that remembers to live worthy of the calling even in the privacy of your own place, in the quiet of your car, in the office after hours, before the fridge at one in the morning. I prayed for the long days coming, the days when you wonder if God really is a God of love or if He really just likes to leave His people to fend for themselves. For those specific days, I prayed for integrity of heart for you. For a quiet trust that gets on the floor, on its knees, and is honest before the God who called the stars into being. He can take the honesty. I promise. Speak up, but speak humbly.
I prayed finally for joy. I don’t know what life is demanding of you right now or just what it is trying to take. But two things I do know: The Word of the Lord? It brings joy to the heart. (Ps.19:8) Go on, roll your eyes. Get it out of your system. Look up at your ceiling fan and shake your fist at me. You’ve heard this all before and what good does it do you when rent is due tomorrow by noon?! Through tears I tell you, I have had rent due by noon. And when I sold my last piece of jewelry to make the deadline it was not the money that brought me joy. It was the Word spoken straight to my heart by my God through the Psalms, and the life of Daniel, and compassion of Jesus to the young rich man that brought joy (the kind that sings you to sleep as you cry) to my heart.
The second thing I know about joy is this: Sometimes to get to it, we have to sow some tears. (Psalm 126:5) So, today, I prayed that through your tears gardens of joy would be planted. That when your former joy is restored to you, it would be so lavish, so organic, so bountiful, you would have no choice but to track down a timbrel or a harp and learn how to use the darn things so that you can dance and make music as you wildly praise His name. (Psalm 149:3)
For you, today, my prayers are filled with petitions of love, integrity, and joy. The kind of treasures that last when it seems everything else has disappeared. May you loosen your grip on the temporal and begin to hold on for dear life to the Eternal. May friends and family rally around you and offer you their hands and feet. May this chapter of your life reveal to you more than just the conflict of your story. May it reveal to you the Hero as well.
And may you, one day very soon, find that He has granted all your requests... even if in a way you had never, ever expected.
To all these things, in the mighty name of King Jesus, I whisper,
You can find Kristen at ExemplifyOnline.com helping others uncover organic faith. Through quarterly Bible studies and regular spotlight shows that focus on the call of the Church, it is Kristen’s hope to equip & inspire women to live out their love for Christ with purposed action. You can find her podcast on iTunes or at Exemplify.
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