It's been a while bloggy land! For months now I have wanted to write. I reserved my domain and came back to my home. (with a small change it is now!) and then it sat. But for weeks it has been stirring in me I need to write. I miss it. I changed everything back to Critty Joy because that has long been my moniker and it is me. It is CJ who has made the most delightful friends in bloggy land and is so glad to be back!
However I am not the person from a few years ago. Much has changed. My journey is different. I hope to share that here. My story. My struggles and my mess. My triumphs and my joy. And of course randomness. It's not the CJ blog without the random! My passions have changed some. My heart has definitely changed some. And embracing those changes has been important.
I came back as Critty Joy because I met the most delightful people on my journey in this space years ago and I want to come back and make this space my home again. I hope you will join me. I am not sure exactly how things look...I know for now at least a weekly post...and I do have some great bible studies and books to talk about.
I hope you will join me again on my journey. I have missed you so lovelies.
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