Last week was one of those weeks. I was tired. I was cranky. All I could think of was the weekend coming up and my comfy chair and a good book.
Monday morning came and I was so stressed and nervous. I was to testify in court that morning but ended up not having to I spent the morning and early afternoon with a dear friend just spilling my heart out. I have been sitting in silence a lot lately and as I drove home without my radio on I started talking with God. Just telling Him various and sundry things, but mostly telling Him I was tired and feeling out of sorts. I became quite again and soaked in the scenery of my drive....suddenly I started noticing yellow butterflies.... every where. The fluttered around the trees and tall grasses. As I slowed to turn onto the road on which I live one fluttered across my car.
And every day last week any time I was outside there were the yellow butterflies....and as the week went on and I became more anxious and tired the more yellow butterflies I saw...and then I began seeing blue butterflies and orange butterflies. It delighted my heart to no end to see one of my most favorite things every where I went....
I pondered all week long as to why these butterflies were making their appearance in my life at this time.
The more I thought about it the more my favorite verse was resonating in my heart.
This is what He had been doing all week. He was trying to quite me with His Love, and delighting me with the butterflies. In the midst of the stress and anxiety He was showing me Love.... through one of my loves, butterflies. I was just to caught up in things to notice He was there.
Over the last few days I have taken time....I have slowed down when I am feeling out of sorts and anxious. And more than that I have spent time delighting in Him, loving on Him, and rejoicing with singing to Him.
I realized this verse is beautiful for me, but also for Him. I get so caught up in my surroundings, usually the bad things, that I forget to remember His Goodness.
Goodness like Yellow Butterflies.
Psst....don't forget to ask me a question :)
I love this verse, and I love your word pics!
Posted by: Rachel | Thursday, September 10, 2009 at 02:40 PM
I love when God does stuff like this for us; the specific stuff that reminds us the He is indeed paying attention. I remember going through a sad phase at college and he send a white dove that stayed in my window for days. When I was okay again, the dove disappeared! He's such a good Father, isn't he?
Posted by: Isunji | Tuesday, September 08, 2009 at 01:53 PM
I love love love this post and I have to tell you it really ministered to me. I love how our Heavenly Father is always pursuing us, even with butterflies! That is too cool.
Okay, question...hmmm...If you could live in any other era of time in any other place what would you choose and what would you be doing there?
Oh, and since I haven't been to your blog all weekend I hadn't noticed the new look, which I LOVE!!! Too cute.
Love ya Twin!
Posted by: kara | Tuesday, September 08, 2009 at 11:25 AM